About #RaisetheWage Arizona
One Fair Wage Action works across the nation to make sure that tipped workers get the same full minimum wage as everyone else, with tips on top. In Arizona, the subminimum wage for tipped workers is just $9.80 an hour, which leaves many workers, especially women, immigrants, and people of color subject to harassment and discrimination due to the reliance on tips as wage replacement. Workers are pushing lawmakers and key decision-makers to advocate and pass legislation that would finally give them One Fair Wage. Simultaneously, we are also considering filing a ballot initiative that would leave it to the people to decide on this important issue. Arizona is a shining example of the persistent popular support for One Fair Wage. When workers unite, they win!
The Covid-19 pandemic changed everything. Millions of workers have left or are leaving the restaurant industry due to low wages and tips and increased health risks, hostility and harassment. Thousands of restaurants nationwide, including hundreds in Arizona, have raised their wages to attract and retain staff. But they need a level playing field, and in order to do so, we need to finally make One Fair Wage a reality.